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Revista de Investigación

versão impressa ISSN 1010-2914


CAMEJO, Ivana  e  DIEZ, Dalia. Aprendizaje Significativo: ¿concepto subyacente de la Teoría Cognitiva de Aprendizaje Multimedia?Meaningful learning: ¿underlying concept of Cognitive Learning Theory Multimedia?. Revista de Investigación [online]. 2016, vol.40, n.89, pp.68-89. ISSN 1010-2914.

Documentary research (Cellard, 2008) which questioned: Meaningful Learning (AS) is an underlying concept of Cognitive Learning Theory Multimedia Mayer-TCAM- (2002)? Consequently, efforts were made to estimate the correspondence between the principles of TCAM with the principles of the Theory AS (Ausubel, Novak, Gowin and Moreira). The documentary analysis focused on refereed publications of the authors and representatives. The study of the information was carried out by the interpretative analysis and triangulation-critical-reflective. The results: 1-Skip prior knowledge for teaching can lead to a disastrous situation learning 2- The cognitive processes proposed by Mayer, favor rote, necessary and important learning, but insufficient 3-Meanings are in people, not in educationalmaterials 4-Favor AS requires designing various educational materials. Finally: The AS does not seem to be an underlying concept of TCAM rather use responds to his dreaded trivialization

Palavras-chave : Theory meaningful Learning; theory cognitive of multimedia learning; science teaching.

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