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Revista de Investigación

versão impressa ISSN 1010-2914


GONZALEZ ROMERO, María Elena. Projects in Applied Chemistry: contribution of Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador -Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas to the Chemistry teacher research formation. Revista de Investigación [online]. 2017, vol.41, n.90, pp.015-041. ISSN 1010-2914.

The article presents the arguments for developing research skills into the teaching Chemistry programs in the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL) - Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas (IPC), The techniques of interview teachers and the analysis of documents show the evolution of the courses in the specialization component in the Chemical major, from classical laboratory practices until the course of Projects in Applied Chemistry, as a regular course and a curricular strategy, open, flexible, committed to the independent development of abilities and skills for the multidisciplinary approach, solving problems among the Science- Technology-Society focus and the demands of work field. Finally it refers the contributions since the investigations done from the course up and gives some recommendations to preserve the course in the Chemistry Major Study Program for training the Chemistry teachers that the country requires.

Palavras-chave : Chemistry teachers training; courses for developing skills and abilities.

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