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Revista de Investigación

versão impressa ISSN 1010-2914


CHANG, Reynaldo  e  MURILLO, Liliana. Spectrophotometric determination the quantity of profitable carbohydrates in Ulva sp and sp Chaetomorpha algae for the production of ethanol that works as biocombustible by the method anthrone. Revista de Investigación [online]. 2017, vol.41, n.90, pp.053-066. ISSN 1010-2914.

It was realized a spectrophotometrical determination, by the antrona method for the quantification of profitable carbohydrates in the species algales Ulva sp and Chaetomorpha sp with the purpose of proposing an alternative and less polluting method that serves as fuel. The obtained results of the determination were: (a) percentage of humidity: 90,28 11 and 87,4239% for the Ulva sp and the Chaetomorpha sp respectively. (b) the index of lineal correlation of both curves was of 0,99 (c) the concentrations of profitable carbohydrates of the studied algae were: for the Ulvas sp of 35375,33 + 3,3139 ppm and for the Chaetomorphas sp 48176,31 + 2,7193 ppm considerable quantities being this last the carbohydrates richest and those that could give the biggest contribution of sugars to the biocombustibles production.

Palavras-chave : Spectroscopy; antrona; carbohydrates; algae; Ulva sp; Chaetomorpha sp; hidrólisis; biocombustibles.

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