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vol.41 número90Determinación espectrofotométrica, de carbohidratos aprovechables en las algas Ulva sp y Chaetomorpha sp para la producción de etanol que funcione como biocombustible, por el método de la antronaEstudio comparativo de un fertilizante algal, a partir de la especie Caulerpa sertularoides respecto a un fertilizante químico y orgánico comercial, en un cultivo de Coriandrum sativum índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Investigación

versão impressa ISSN 1010-2914


DOMINGUEZ, José; MENDOZA, Lisney  e  LEON, Caritza. Synthesis of N-p-chlorophenyl-N’-arylcarbamoylguanidines analogous of Chloroguanidine. Revista de Investigación [online]. 2017, vol.41, n.90, pp.067-082. ISSN 1010-2914.

The synthesis of a series of arylcarbamoylguanidines with potential antimalarial activity is described. The work was based on the obtaining of derivatives analogous of the chloroguanidine, a drug with moderate prophylactic and suppressive activity in the plasmodia caused by P. falciparum and P. vivax, which represents a contribution in the search of new compounds with possible antimalarial activity. The investigation leaned in a study of field with descriptive character that included a strategy of linear synthesis of two steps: obtaining of the N-p-chlorophenylguanidine and the preparation of the N-p-chlorophenyl-N’-arylsubstitutedcarbamo ylguanidines. The yields of the syntheses were between 48 and 79%. The characterization of the synthetic derivatives was made through the techniques of infrared spectrophotometric and spectroscopy 1HNRM and 13CNRM.

Palavras-chave : chloroguanidine; arylcarbamoylguanidines; malaria; synthesis.

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