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Revista de Investigación

versão impressa ISSN 1010-2914


RAMIREZ PADILLA, Hégira; CHARRIS, Jaime  e  BARAZARTE, Arthur. Synthesis of 7-chloro-N-(3-phenylsubstituted)-4- aminoquinoline analogs with possible antineoplastic activity . Revista de Investigación [online]. 2017, vol.41, n.90, pp.155-178. ISSN 1010-2914.

A series of 7-chloro-N-(3-phenylsubstituted)-4-aminoquinoline derivatives were synthesized and evaluated as possible antineoplastic agents, measuring cytotoxic effects in PC-3 cell lines (human prostate tumor cells), MCF-7 (breast adenocarcinoma) and a non-tumorigenic VERO cell line (constituted by African green monkey kidney epithelial cells) as a control. The most active compound was 7-chloro-N-(3- hidroxyphenyl)-4-aminoquinoline (1), which has a hydroxyl group; however, it failed to selectively act on tumor and normal cells. The derivatives were characterized by their melting point and employing spectroscopic techniques (1H NMR 1D and IR).

Palavras-chave : Quinoline; synthesis; cancer; antineoplastic.

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