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vol.27 número2O estudo do discurso em educação matemática: a problematização de significados hegemônicos sobre resolução de problemas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1011-2251


HERNANDEZ DE RINCON, Ana I et al. Intereses que orientan a las prácticas pedagógicas de las matemáticas en ingeniería. Paradìgma [online]. 2006, vol.27, n.2, pp.277-309. ISSN 1011-2251.

In order to achieve that pedagogical practices be informed by emancipating interests, teachers must get engaged with a praxis which let them be conscious of limitations of the action, so they can liberate themselves and liberate others from those restrictions and conquer autonomy and responsibility. Objective was to evaluate pedagogical practices at the Mathematics Department of the Engineering Faculty at the University of Zulia in terms of technical, practical and emancipator interests. The study was founded on Habermas Theories, Freire, Grundy, and Carr and Kemmis statements, among others. Qualitative methodology was employed, using depth interview and external observation; and three instruments for collecting information. A 16 teacher and 32 student sample. The study showed that pedagogical practices are guided by technical interests, which is a condition that doesn’t make propitious the development of students engaged with their learning process; on the contrary, it generates receptive, passive, non-critical students; and, on the other hand, self-centered,  knowledge-owners, static, autocratic, reproductive, obligating teachers. Permitting free, equitable participation of students in their educative process was proposed to the teacher, as well as to propitiate on them criticism and consensus, contributing with their integral formation and considering them as main actors

Palabras clave : pedagogical practices; technical interest; practical interest; emancipator interest; praxis; curriculum; mathematics; engineering.

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