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vol.19 número41El Alma de Venezuela en los proyectos de estado-nación de 1947 y de 1999 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1012-1587


DEUSDAD, Blanca. The Concept of charismatic political leadership: Populism and identities. Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales [online]. 2003, vol.19, n.41, pp.9-35. ISSN 1012-1587.

The term charisma has suffered a trivialization, mainly because of its diffusion in the mass media. My paper’s objective is try to define the concept of political charisma through the Social Theory authors, to have an impact on the clarification of a concept that is itself inapprehensible and to reflect its transformation along the XX century. Also, to try to distinguish the differences and the construction of the democratic leaderships and the political leadership forms considered more populists and "caudillistas". The paper is framed in the academic field of the History of the Ideas and it highlights the crucial contribution of the sociologist Max Weber. I conclude that charisma is an intrinsic characteristic of the societies and it is inseparable from the political leadership. Despite their irrationality and danger, it conserves a component of rationality. The mass media have transformed the concept and the form of charisma. In western societies, this is manufactured as another product. Charisma impacts in a higher way and it can be easily manipulated due to the lack of the population’s political culture.

Palabras clave : Charisma; populism; identities; social theory.

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