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vol.20 número44La metáfora política en la prensa venezolana: Un estudio lingüístico cognitivoEl giro hacia la práctica en filosofía de la ciencia: Una nueva perspectiva de la actividad experimental índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1012-1587


TORRES, Delci. La significación en un canto del rito funerario "la tumba". Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales [online]. 2004, vol.20, n.44, pp.78-97. ISSN 1012-1587.

Based on the hymn "la divina corona" (The Divine Crown) this paper makes a generative analysis  of the significance proponed by Greimas, in which he divides the text  into segments in order to describe the "classemas" and the common "semes" and the differentials that constitute the semantic structure of the hymn. Then the deep thematic level is approached in order to determine the network of relations and  oppositions that make up the isotopies present in this funeral discourse in order to demonstrate that the  hymn under analysis has an invocative character the enunciative structure of which allows for the  establishment of  a relationship between the universe of the profane-the earth,  and of the sacred-  heaven.

Palabras clave : Classemes; semes; isotopyes; funerary hymn; invocation.

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