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vol.23 número61Las políticas regionales en América Latina y los países andinos: un análisis comparativo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Cuadernos del Cendes

versión impresa ISSN 1012-2508versión On-line ISSN 2443-468X


GUILLEN, MARYLUZ  y  GARCIA-GUADILLA, MARÍA PILAR. Las organizaciones de derechos humanos y el proceso constituyente Alcance y limitaciones de la constitucionalización de la inclusión en Venezuela. CDC [online]. 2006, vol.23, n.61, pp.69-98. ISSN 1012-2508.

This paper characterizes Venezuelan human rights organizations as a social movement and analyzes their role in the definition of an active citizenship and in the deepening of democracy during 1989-2000. It attempts to know the different ways in which they strengthened public spaces for political action in Venezuela through their interrelation with the government and their contribution to the definition and incorporation in the bolivarian Constitution of an approach based in «human rights». With this purpose, the paper analyzes the conception of democracy and citizenship hold by those organizations as well as their participation in the processes that led to the inclusion of their proposals about human rights in the above Constitution. Moreover, it identifies the limits and opportunities of the «constitutionalization» of human rights.

Palabras clave : Human Rights; Democracy focused on rights; Participative democracy.

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