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vol.30 número83Creación de empresas, modelos de innovación y pymes índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cuadernos del Cendes

versão impressa ISSN 1012-2508


GALAFASSI, Guido  e  COMPOSTO, Claudia. Acumulación por despojo y nuevos cercamientos: el caso de la minería a gran escala en la Patagonia argentina. CDC [online]. 2013, vol.30, n.83, pp.75-103. ISSN 1012-2508.

During the last two decades, Argentina has deepened the extractive-export profile of its economy. The large scale metal mining is a relatively new area of this model of accumulation based on the intensive exploitation of natural resources, which rapidly extends around the national territory, especially to the Patagonia. The predatory characteristics relate these activities to the processes of enclosure and dispossession of the «primitive accumulation», which far from being a past concern is being renewed through new and more intense mechanisms. The aim of this paper is to analyze this urgent issue in southern Argentina, taking into account the recent debates of critical Marxism on the concepts of «accumulation by dispossession», «new enclosures», and «contradiction between capital accumulation and ecological conditions of production».

Palavras-chave : Accumulation by dispossession; New enclosures; Large scale mining; Patagonia, Argentina.

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