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vol.27 número3Composición lipídica del tejido muscular de las especies de peces Mylossoma duriventre, Pimelodus blochii y Pygocentrus cariba, provenientes del caño Manaticito, estado Apure, VenezuelaNeumocistosis en el servicio de medicina interna, complejo hospitalario universitario Dr. Luis Razetti, Barcelona, Venezuela, 2011-2012 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2343-6468


LEMUS-ESPINOZA, Druvic; MANISCALCHI BADAOUI, María Teresa; LEDEZMA, Eliades  e  ARRIECHE, Dwight. Ultraestructure of Microsporum canis: a case of Tinea Capitis treated topically with Ajoene. Saber [online]. 2015, vol.27, n.3, pp.401-405. ISSN 2343-6468.

In this study, topic ajoene was used (0.4%) to evaluate its effects in a case of a fungal infection of the scalp caused by Microsporum canis, a dermatophytes with a known keratinophylic activity. The activity of the fungus was evaluated by transmission electron microscopy, in samples extracted before the beginning and 45 days after the treatment. The most important changes were alteration of the cytoplasmic membrane, disintegration of the cytoplasm and organelles deterioration. This new evidence in the studies in vivo shows the degeneration suffered by conidia and hyphae of the fungus, compromising the cellular integrity with the topical treatment with ajoene. The cultures, 30 days after treatment, demonstrated the absence of the fungal structures maintaining this condition up to 45 days after the treatment. The study shows ultrastructurally the invasion endo-ectotrix of M. canis in human hair and the antifungal effect characteristic of ajoene with its outstanding and potent bioactivity antiproliferative bioactive in the evaluated micotic process.

Palavras-chave : Fungicidal activity; dermatomycosis; hypha; transmission electron microscopy.

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