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versión On-line ISSN 2343-6468


ESQUEDA, LUIS FELIPE et al. MORPHOLOGICAL VARIATION AND GEOGRAPHIC  DISTRIBUTION OF Pseudogonatodes lunulatus (Roux, 1927) (SAURIA, SPHAERODACTYLIDAE) IN VENEZUELA. Saber [online]. 2016, vol.28, n.1, pp.18-29. ISSN 2343-6468.

Pseudogonatodes lunulatus (Roux, 1927) was described from a single specimen collected in the village El Mene, Acosta municipality, northeastern Falcón state, Venezuela. Although the species has been reported for other Venezuelan and Colombian localities, an extensive study on taxonomy and geographic distribution in the country had not been performed. In this sense, we examined and compared a larger sample of 20 specimens deposited in several national and foreign museums. Additionally, we substantially expand the known distribution of the species to the north of the Orinoco River.  

Palabras clave : Pseudogonatodes; taxonomy; habitat.

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