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versión impresa ISSN 1315-0162


RODRIGUEZ-ACOSTA, ALEXIS et al. FIBRINOLYTIC SYSTEM: METHODS OF STUDY AND FINDINGS IN  Bothrops, Crotalus, Micrurus SNAKE VENOMS IN VENEZUELA. Saber [online]. 2016, vol.28, n.4, pp.666-705. ISSN 1315-0162.

In the current review, relevant results are shown on hemostatic activities, with special emphasis on those related to  fibrinolysis,  from  venoms  present  in  Venezuelan  serpents  of  the  genera  Bothrops,  Crotalus  and  Micrurus, captured in different geographical locations. A review is made of various research methods used for these studies. Significant differences were evidenced inter and intra-species and even between different geographic locations, which  should  influence  the  mechanisms  of  action  and  clinical  symptomatology.  The  differences  in  the composition  and  the  concentration  of  active  components  must  be  associated  with  seasonal  or  geographical variations, diet, sex, habitat, age, and even genetic variability, which may explain the discrepancies in the clinical pictures  of  victims  and  also  help  to  determine  mechanisms  of  action  that  provide  better  guidance  to  treating physicians. These variables could help in the monitoring and treatment of patients, and guide antivenom specialist in choosing the inoculum, from a range of different venoms of different species, gender, age, sex and origin, as well as isolated toxins relevant to the preparation of antivenoms with great efficiency and broad spectrum. The isolated bioactive compounds, such as colombienasas and tenerplasminina-1, with their biological characteristics, also represent molecules with potential use as thrombolytic agents and antifibrinolytic, respectively.

Palabras clave : Serpentes; Viperidae; Elapidae; fibrinólisis; toxinas.

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