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vol.28 número4LA TENSIÓN ENTRE APOLO Y DIONISO: PRAXIS POLÍTICA DE UNA ESTÉTICA DE LA EXISTENCIATres enfoques para la enseñanza de los números racionales índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1315-0162


ESPARZA PARGA, RODRIGO  y  RUBIO BARRIOS, JULIO. THE QUESTION ABOUT KNOWLEDGE. Saber [online]. 2016, vol.28, n.4, pp.813-818. ISSN 1315-0162.

This  paper  examines  the  problem  of  knowledge  from  the  relationship  between  the  knowing  subject  and  the object, assuming that there exists an objective and structured reality. It is also based on the supposition that the knowing subject creates a symbolic representation of that reality. Furthermore, it incorporates the social context in the genesis and development of knowledge. Methodologically, it was started from bibliographic documents and their analysis and synthesis. It is concluded that knowledge is an unfinished symbolic process that is always under construction.

Palabras clave : Theory of knowledge; epistemology; reality; sociology of knowledge; knowing subject..

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