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vol.10 número31La utopía neoliberal y sus críticos*El impacto del género en la filosofía latinoamericana índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Utopìa y Praxis Latinoamericana

versión impresa ISSN 1315-5216


VAZQUEZ, Belín. From the Modern Nation Citizen to Nationalist Citizenship . Utopìa y Praxis Latinoamericana [online]. 2005, vol.10, n.31, pp.63-78. ISSN 1315-5216.

Modern citizenship is materialized by the constitutional body of the XIX century. With the national States, the nationalist notion of citizens transformed the idealized “society of individuals” into “a community of identical beings”. It is demonstrated that, in spite of the legal status, citizenship is a “shared culture”, a sacred identity due to the nationalist notion of the nation and national identity, on which has been built a vision of homogeneity based on symbols and common traditions inherited from occidental modernity. The proposal is to transform its notions and social practices, into a social citizenship based on ethics and values in order to confront these “invented traditions”.

Palabras clave : Citizenship; modern nation; nationalism; constitutions.

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