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Tiempo y Espacio

versión impresa ISSN 1315-9496


ROJAS LOPEZ, Néstor D. The law Spears elite encomendera of Merida (1619-1620). Tiempo y Espacio [online]. 2014, vol.24, n.62, pp.173-185. ISSN 1315-9496.

Mérida received between 1619 and 1620 the visit of Mr. Alonso Vázquez de Cisneros, Judge of the Royal Audiencia of Santa Fe, to oversee and punish violations doctrine concerning the treatment and natural under the regime of the charge. This catalyzes reactions elite encomenderos, who were expressed by acting in defense of their privileges through social networks of power and value system. This research is documentary in nature and seeks the qualitative study of the problem of attitudes and mentalities of Merida encomendera elite versus institutional custom of this visitor, focusing on how primordial law Spears and socioeconomic prerogatives concerning lineage and the origin of the trustees.

Palabras clave : Mindsets; Attitudes; Value System; Law Spears; Entrustment.

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