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vol.24 número62El colapso del Callao: la crisis de la producción aurífera en Guayana a fines del siglo XIXLa frontera Chilena-Argentina: La Controversia por el Canal del Beagle índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Tiempo y Espacio

versión impresa ISSN 1315-9496


CARTAYA RIOS, Scarlet. Are geographies or geography?. Tiempo y Espacio [online]. 2014, vol.24, n.62, pp.203-219. ISSN 1315-9496.

At present, the world is seen and studied from plots and geographical discipline has been no exception, so a reflection on the development of this discipline in the light of the oscillations between different positions that have marked fragmentation occurs from nineteenth century. The research literatureis kind, for itis they went to secondary sources. Dialectics as amethodological frameworkis assumed. To conclude, it is accepted that divisionsexist, especially as they a reput in place. Negatenot lead to the solution of this conflict created by the same man. Integration of the geographies, in Geography, this means abandoning the rigid and biased positions, where studies of specific issuesand individuals, which are necessary, are not handled separately is proposed, because they are responding to a specific whole, contributing to explanation.

Palabras clave : geographical discipline; object of study; Science.

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