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Tiempo y Espacio
versión impresa ISSN 1315-9496
CARDOZO U., Alejandro. Of power in the seas to power on the mainland the official real Guipúzcoa company of Caracas and the birth of a new elite. Tiempo y Espacio [online]. 2015, vol.25, n.64, pp.94-113. ISSN 1315-9496.
The late eighteenth century the Royal Gipuzkoan Company of Caracas into a spiral of indebtedness that leads to liquidation. During the complex process both the authorities in Madrid and Caracas should clean up the accounts of the Company with the royal treasury, and individuals with the Company in the province of Venezuela. This situation forces to Francisco de Saavedra, the Intendente of Venezuela, to propose intelligent outputs that benefit both parties and avoid problems with the powerful lobby of the Basques officers of the Royal Gipuzkoan Company of Caracas. This dynamic of power and interests unleashed a political struggle in both Atlantic sides, creating a powerful group of Basques in Venezuela coming into conflict with the Venezuelan aristocrats, also known as mantuanos.
Palabras clave : The Royal Gipuzkoan Company of Caracas; lobby; mantuanos; Basques.