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Tiempo y Espacio
versión impresa ISSN 1315-9496
AVILA SANCHEZ, Vanessa. The Castle of San Felipe Like Key of Defense of the Coasts of the Province of Venezuela in Century XVIII. Tiempo y Espacio [online]. 2015, vol.25, n.64, pp.130-153. ISSN 1315-9496.
Between centuries XVII and XVIII the Coasts of the Province of Venezuela were seen strongly whipped by pirates, privateers, buccaneers and fi libusteros, that knocked down and sacked the surrounding towns to the Caribbean Sea. This fact generated a strong paralyzation of the economy in the Province. By virtue of which, in 1718 Judge from Pedro Seizures Jose de Olavarriaga arrives. Who by Real Order had the mission to raise the General training and Particular of the Present State of the Province of Venezuela between 1720 and 1721, in order to determine the true situation in which was the same. In the mentioned report one appeared, among others, the necessity to fortify the Coasts of the Province. He insisted on geomorphological kindness of Port Hair, which determined the importance of the rise of a place fortified in defense of this one important key from access to the territory. Therefore, the order for the construction of a Fort was emitted that would be called San Felipe in Port Hair, in order to contain the piracy, to serve finally as fortified factory of the Guipuzcoan Company and, to establish the active service of defense in the coasts of the Province. By before exposed, the present investigation tries to analyze the importance of the construction of the Castle of San Felipe of Port Hair like key of defense of the coasts of the Province of Venezuela. Being based on the study of sources of the File of the National Academy of History and the General archives of Indians. Finally the contribution of the present investigation is to contribute to the knowledge and property of the Coasts of the Province of Venezuela during Century XVIII.
Palabras clave : Piracy; Smuggling; Fortifications; Defence of the Coasts of Venezuela.