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vol.25 número64EL CARIBE, COMO CONCEPTO DE MARE NOSTRUM EN LA TEORÍA DE ALFRED THAYER MAHANESCUADRA VENEZOLANA EN TIEMPOS DE CASTRO (1902-1903) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Tiempo y Espacio

versión impresa ISSN 1315-9496


PEREZ GUETTE, Sindy. Venezuela and Colombia in the naval battle of Rio de La Hacha (1899-1901). Tiempo y Espacio [online]. 2015, vol.25, n.64, pp.461-474. ISSN 1315-9496.

Century  XX  Venezuelan  this  framed  in  a  contestatario  atmosphere  of political disputes between liberal conservatives and who persecute the presidency with the purpose, to obtain to be able and to thus control the economic, political and social unfolding of the State. It is for that reason that the conflict happened between 1899-1901 with Colombia is born from a political difference. The problem is in the refusal of the Venezuelan State to deny to the neighboring country the access to the lake of Maracaibo and the Atlantic Ocean because to export its products from its central and Eastern provinces Magdalena river down was a slow and expensive process, in  comparison  with  the  routes  of  the  market  through Venezuela  by  the  system  of the Orinoco and Zulia-Catatumbo. Consequently at the beginning of century XX, the Colombian army of Rangel Gárbiras accompanied by the Venezuelan Emilio the  tachirenses Fernandez and other heads develops an invasion to the Venezuelan territory, Including all the you walk. Later I castrate undertakes an invasion to Colombia, that in this point was the territory goajiro of River of the axe. It even gives to a change to the fight looking for the Sea him like main ally. By before exposed, the following communication looks for to analyze the influence of the War of the Thousand days in the events happened in the battle of River of the axe the 13 of September of 1901. Being based on the study of sources of the File of the National Academy of History and the library Luis Arango Angel to finally offer to the investigators knowledge on the thematic one.

Palabras clave : War of the Thousand Days; River of The Axe; Lake of Maracaibo.

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