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vol.27 número67A artilharia brasileira e a defesa de Fernando de Noronha durante a 2ª Guerra MundialLa artillería costera rayada en Venezuela: Innovación tecnológica en la regeneración guzmancista (1875-1876) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Tiempo y Espacio

versão impressa ISSN 1315-9496


GALLEGOS RUIZ, Eder Antonio de Jesús. Notes about the Royal Armory of Artillery, Veracruz, 1762-1798. Tiempo y Espacio [online]. 2017, vol.27, n.67, pp.45-61. ISSN 1315-9496.

This article is between fears of invasion of New Spain generated after the fall of Havana in 1762 until the arrival of Viceroy Miguel José de Azanza in 1798. It details how because of the strategic position of Veracruz that location was a priority in the application of the so-called "militarization of the Spanish Enlightenment," by transferring the manufacture of artillery in the hands of private “asentistas” to professional military. It also provides clues about mutations in compulsive work patterns and wage model, latching mechanisms, militarized discipline of artisans and socio-racial composition.

Palavras-chave : Labor; artillery; enlightenment.

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