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Tiempo y Espacio

versão impressa ISSN 1315-9496


AVILA SANCHEZ, Vanessa C. The war between Colombia and Perú (1932-1934): A perspective from the venezuelan press. Tiempo y Espacio [online]. 2017, vol.27, n.67, pp.151-175. ISSN 1315-9496.

The press during the Thirties of century XX, constituted means to know the reality world-wide. In that sense, the Venezuelan press allowed its readers, to be to the current of the version generated on the war between Colombia and Peru from 1932 to 1934. The interest awoke to inform breaks of La Paz and the good relations established between brother nations. Consequently, to follow the process of the taking of the arms to solve its disagreements by the coveted territory of Leticia, became the news of front page. By before exposed, the present study looks for to analyze the nationalistic feeling on the other that it took to the Peruvians on the one hand, to break with the Briand-Kellog pact and the construction of the Armed Forces in Colombia with true fighting spirit. Finally, it is persecuted with this investigation to contribute to the study of military history for being a war happened in Latin America during century XX. The investigation is based on the study of hemerográficas sources of the National Hemeroteca of Venezuela and primary sources of the Historical File of the Chancellery of Venezuela.

Palavras-chave : Military history; Leticia; conflict colombo-peruano; Colombia; Peru.

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