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vol.27 número67La formación y desempeño de los ingenieros militares mexicanos en la primera mitad del siglo XIX: El caso del coronel Ignacio IniestraEntre el claustro académico y la formación en combate: La Academia Militar de Matemáticas y el Ejército Libertador de Venezuela (1810-1830) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Tiempo y Espacio

versão impressa ISSN 1315-9496


MALDONADO, Edgar. Bunker, Lind and Van Creveld: three visions of the new wars. Tiempo y Espacio [online]. 2017, vol.27, n.67, pp.259-284. ISSN 1315-9496.

This article examines three proposals on the new wars and fourth generation war. On the advent of the multipolar world and the loss of the State’s monopoly of violence, a reassessment of the war is required and it is here that the postulates of W. Lind, R. Bunker and M. Van Creveld have found possible roadmaps. It is argued that the three authors offer close but differentiated postulates of what are and will be the wars of the future. The article tries to underline the slight difference between war and structural violence starting from the conceptualization and contextualization of the new wars. The proposal closes with a final balance thought as input and theoretical introduction introductory topic.

Palavras-chave : War; New Wars; Fourth Generation War; Transformation of the War; Low Intensity Conflicts.

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