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vol.13 número1Los lenguajes de representación semántica y su uso en la construcción de ontologíasTecnología de información e innovación: Factores clave de la competitividad en las pequeñas y medianas empresas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Ciencias Sociales

versión impresa ISSN 1315-9518


CARIDAD DE NAVARRO, Marielis. The Legal Platform as an Essential Element in E-Logístics Within Venezuelan Electronic Commerce. Revista de Ciencias Sociales [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.1, pp.72-83. ISSN 1315-9518.

One of the important aspects that logistics management offers is the distribution of goods and services acquired through Electronic Commerce, also denominated e-commerce, since the delivery or the opportune usage of the same constitutes a key to success within this area, not only because the clients are demanding, and not willing to wait for the purchased product, or worse still to receive defective merchandise, both of which situations bring similar consequence, the possible loss of the sale, which implies assuming the costs of shipment and return, and transferring to the competition a potential future client. All this produces dissatisfaction in clients, when they feel that the rights that corresponds to them in the face of the supplier or contracted service have been violated, generating distrust and insecurity. At this moment the handling of the legal platform connects with the logistic aspect as a part of electronic commerce of material goods, which is the central objective of this research, that is to say, to present the legal platform wherein we find e-logistics and e-commerce in the face of dissatisfaction on the part of the cyber-client. The present research is documentary and offers the legal bases to give to greater confidence and security in the use of electronic commerce.

Palabras clave : E-logistics; e-commerce; legal security; bases.

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