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vol.13 número1La plataforma jurídica como elemento imprescindible de la e-logística dentro del comercio electrónico en VenezuelaCondiciones políticas y administrativas de la Gobernación del estado Zulia para el ejercicio de la contraloría social índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de Ciencias Sociales

versión impresa ISSN 1315-9518


LEAL  MORANTES, Miraidy  Elena . Information and Innovation Technologies: Key factors in Competitiveness in Small and Medium Sized Companies. Revista de Ciencias Sociales [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.1, pp.84-97. ISSN 1315-9518.

This paper presents some policies executed by the national government in order to promote the development of science and technology in the country, as well as the principal limitations presented by small and middle sized companies to access information and communication, taking as a basis the results of a diagnosis applied to 8 small and middle sized companies and cooperatives in Maracaibo Municipality, Zulia State, which were integrated into the program for formation of entrepreneurs, businessmen and cooperativists in a program offered by the University of Zulia and FONACIT. To collect empirical data a structured questionnaire was applied, as well as non-structured interviews with members of organizations in order to obtain additional information. The results indicate that the small and middle sized companies in the study seldom used available technology, and some of the determining factors were financial restrictions, initial costs, and resistance to change on the part of businessmen. The conclusion is that in order to compete in a globalized economy, companies must support the incorporation of technological, informational and communicational technology. Also the Venezuelan Government should design and execute a series of policies oriented towards promoting science, technology and innovation as fundamental pillars of economic and social progress in the country.

Palabras clave : Innovation; small and medium sized companies; information and communication technology.

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