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Revista de Ciencias Sociales

versión impresa ISSN 1315-9518


BOSCAN, Mariby; ROMERO, Jenny  y  SANDREA, Maryana. Sources of Financing Employed by Companies That Produce Milk Derivatives in Zulia State. Revista de Ciencias Sociales [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.1, pp.134-146. ISSN 1315-9518.

At the moment, all companies are going through transformations in many aspects, for which they require financial resources. The objective of this study is to determine the public and private financing sources used by companies that produce milk derivatives in Zulia State. With this purpose in mind, descriptive field research was carried out, for which an interview was designed and applied to eight managers. Among the more important results we highlight: 75% of those interviewed use mainly credit granted by FONCREI, as a public source, since they value the interest rate fundamentally; and also consider that access to this type of financial resource is complicated (62,5%), and the response time is slow (87,5%). As a private source, credit with suppliers (62,5%) in this case, the terms granted by these sources are decisive; most of the managers estimate that access to this source is adequate, the requirements exaggerated, but the response time is adequate. The conclusion is that the most important factor in the decision to request public credit is the interest rate, while in relation to private sources, the terms and amount of the credit are the most relevant factors.

Palabras clave : Financing sources; public financing; private financing; milk derivative processing companies.

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