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Revista de Ciencias Sociales

versión impresa ISSN 1315-9518


FUENTES PINZON, Fernando. La protección del autor de obras plásticas en Venezuela. Revista de Ciencias Sociales [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.1, pp.147-158. ISSN 1315-9518.

The protection and growth of plastic arts is a necessity that all states must transcend over time in order to create a favorable legal environment that benefits the creators of such art works. This paper analyzes the protection that Venezuelan legislation offers in relation to this topic, as well as rights conceded and their loopholes, for the purpose of presenting in one overall article, the judicial framework for the protection of art and artists. The research is documentary, emphasizing the study of Venezuelan norms, as well as Latin American norms in relation to authors rights and related topics. The conclusion is that national protection is coincident with modern doctrine and legislation in other countries, however the difference resides in the application and management of authors rights in a united or group format, since this is observed to be disperse and disorganized.

Palabras clave : Authors; works of art; artists; protection; legal rights.

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