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Revista de Ciencias Sociales
versión impresa ISSN 1315-9518
DIAZ, Jazmín; MONTANER, Jessica y PRIETO, Marielina. Formación ética para un desarrollo sustentableEthical Formation for Sustainable Development . Revista de Ciencias Sociales [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.1, pp.159-171. ISSN 1315-9518.
Since sustainable development requires for its achievement an ethical conscience on the part of the people, this paper examines the ethics that the School of Administration and Public Accounting FCES-LUZ articulates, transmits and demands in the professional formation of its graduates. Documentary research of principle documents was undertaken. It was found that ethical concepts are almost inexistent in the university student normative and when they did appear, they were ethereal concepts. In addition, students do not believe ethics to be of value, either for them or for their professors, staff personal or authorities. It was concluded that students handle utilitarian ethics, where the results justify the means. This perception is enforced by pragmatic values which give more importance to the results rather than the means, while failing to support the development of individuals who are responsible for their actions, or aware of their role in society; fundamental characteristics for the execution of a sustainable development model, as a strategy for the evolution of society towards a state of equality and fairness.
Palabras clave : Sustainable development; ethics; student formation; university.