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Revista Venezolana de Gerencia

versión impresa ISSN 1315-9984


MUJICA DE GONZALEZ, Marialida  y  PEREZ DE MALDONADO, Isabel. Construction of a Managment Indicator Based on Organizational Climate . Revista Venezolana de Gerencia [online]. 2009, vol.14, n.47, pp.393-411. ISSN 1315-9984.

The purpose of this article is to construct a university management indicator based on organizational climate. The stages and each of the steps followed are described in order to provide a methology that could be used to obtain other management indicators. The design of the study was descriptive-exploratory. It started from the contents of a questionnaire regarding the university organizational climate, with psychometric qualities tested in previous studies. Twenty expert professionals in the management area were interviewed using the Delphi technique to select the most important aspects and hierarchize components of the university climate; consensus was achieved in two rounds. Estimation of the factorial points and construction of the equation that defines the indicator were done through statistical analysis applied to the answers given to the questionnaire. Conclusions were that the constructed indicator possesses attributes adjusted to demands by the theory that considers management indicators as a means to feedback and monitor work processes from a managerial and social perspective.

Palabras clave : Indicator; management; organizational climate; university.

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