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vol.14 número47Diagnóstico de la mezcla de promoción de los programas de posgrado en las universidades públicas del estado FalcónCalidad de servicio y recurso humano: caso estudio tienda por departamentos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Venezolana de Gerencia

versión impresa ISSN 1315-9984


URDANETA Q, Omar R; ALVAREZ M, Carmen J  y  URDANETA Q, Milagros del V. Organizational Climate in Research Institutes for the Health Sector at the University of Zulia. Revista Venezolana de Gerencia [online]. 2009, vol.14, n.47, pp.446-457. ISSN 1315-9984.

The organizational climate is a subject of great interest for organizations in the struggle to improve their work atmosphere. The objective of this study was to determine the organizational climate in Research Institutes for the Health Sector at the University of Zulia. The research was descriptive, applied, of the field type and trans-sectional. The following were considered as indicators: leadership styles, communication and the physical plant. A Lickert-type questionnaire was used, applying the census technique, with a reliability level of 0.96. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics (relative and absolute frequencies), demonstrating the presence of an autocratic leadership style (43.2%) in the research institutes under study; the existence of downward communication among personnel that make up institutions (87.4%); and finally, prevalence of the workers’ displeasure with the physical plant where they labor (60.8%). Conclusions are that the detected organizational climate could be catalogued as hardly ideal for optimal development of the processes that determine personnel productivity and, definitely, of the entire organizational system.

Palabras clave : Organizational climate; leadership styles; communication; physical plant.

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