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vol.22 número2La andragogía en la educación superiorEl ensayo: una estrategia para la promoción de la escritura en el instituto pedagógico rural “gervasio rubio” índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Investigación y Postgrado

versión impresa ISSN 1316-0087


ROJAS DE ESCALONA, Belkys. Creativity from an organizational perspective. Investigación y Postgrado [online]. 2007, vol.22, n.2, pp.187-206. ISSN 1316-0087.

The aim of this article is to review some theoretical conceptions in order to unveil the changes developed with regards to creativity from an organizational perspective. The importance of context for creative expression is foregrounded and some observations are made in relation to the terms creativity, innovation and change. On the basis of the conclusions, the author states questions related to the future of education in Venezuela.

Palabras clave : organizational creativity; innovation.

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