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vol.30 número1Magíster profesional en enseñanza de la matemática: motivos de profesores de educación básica para su ingreso y constribuiciones del programa para reflexionar su prácticaDesempenho docente do egresado da especialidad de educação física do Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda “José Manuel Siso Martínez” índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Investigación y Postgrado

versão impressa ISSN 1316-0087


NAVARRO, María José. Analysis of educational inclusion from the perspective of teachers of early childhood education, elementary, secondary and high school in the spanish educational context. Investigación y Postgrado [online]. 2015, vol.30, n.1, pp.33-55. ISSN 1316-0087.

This work is part of an investigation about school inclusion and its implications for education. The main objective is to obtain the views of teachers regarding inclusive education and their training needs in order to determine some quality indicators to guide proper training with a sense of inclusion. Basically, the methodology is descriptive; it relies on using a structured instrument, a questionnaire drafted as a quantitative approach of investigations and an interview, based on a qualitative approach to investigation. Analysis of data, discussion of results and conclusions obtained enable us to recommend some educational proposals in order to lead teacher apprenticeship towards school inclusion.

Palavras-chave : educational inclusion; teacher training; educational investigation.

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