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vol.30 número1Análise da inclusão educativa desde a perspectiva do profesorado de educação infantil, primária, secundária e bachillerato no contexto educativo espanholRepensando a educação no marco das transformações sociais índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Investigación y Postgrado

versão impressa ISSN 1316-0087


NAVARRO, Jesús; LANDAETA, Pedro Ismael; AGUDO, Yinette  e  RAMOS, Carlyla. Teaching performance of graduates in physical education specialty from the Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda “José Manuel Siso Martínez” (Teaching Institute). Investigación y Postgrado [online]. 2015, vol.30, n.1, pp.57-86. ISSN 1316-0087.

The purpose of this research is based on the evaluation of the graduates of the specialty of Physical Education of the Instituto Pedagógico "Jose Manuel Siso Martinez" (Teaching Institute), in order to determine the level of performance, strengths and weaknesses of specialists for future actions in the curricular context. Methodologically  it falls into the positivist paradigm on an evaluative field study in accordance with the objective. The population and sample correspond to principals, assistant principals and coordinators responsible for Physical Education graduates. A survey type standard questionnaire, with a frequency scale utilized by the local Department of Education, was used. As a result, the investigation showed that graduates teaching performance exceeded by 65% the passing scale which requires further commitment to academic and administrative functions at the institution.

Palavras-chave : teaching performance; graduates; physical education.

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