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vol.30 número1Desempenho docente do egresado da especialidad de educação física do Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda “José Manuel Siso Martínez”A dimensão social: um processo sinergico na interacção universidade-comunidade a traves da função de extensão índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Investigación y Postgrado

versão impressa ISSN 1316-0087


MATA URBINA, Judith. Rethinking education in the context of social transformation. Investigación y Postgrado [online]. 2015, vol.30, n.1, pp.87-102. ISSN 1316-0087.

The new cultural realities the school is presently undergoing force educators to review their own training. The emergence of a new rationality imposes new ways of organizing school content and rethinking the cognitive bagage that is the basis of pedagogical knowledge. In a world marked by uncertainty and social chaos it is a vital issue to find meeting points within the institutions responsible for the education of current and future generations of teachers. It is therefore necessary to explore and build new horizons of understanding in such complex and diffuse human and social realities. Given the above, it is imperative to investigate, discuss and reflect upon the social role of education to which the pedagogy of these times must commit to.

Palavras-chave : teacher training; teaching and subjectivity.

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