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vol.30 número1Repensando a educação no marco das transformações sociais índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Investigación y Postgrado

versão impressa ISSN 1316-0087


GAMEZ, Fremiot. The social dimension: a synergetic process in the interaction between university and community, through extension activities. Investigación y Postgrado [online]. 2015, vol.30, n.1, pp.103-123. ISSN 1316-0087.

By means of extension activities universities should develop intra and extra institutional actions to actively participate in socio-cultural areas. However, universities are still carrying out their extensions tasks unrelated and isolated from a real and effective interaction with communities. From this perspective, it is necessary to access communities from a social approach that allows a synergetic process of dialectical practices between the university and the community. This research aims to identify the Social Dimension as a synergetic interaction process between university and communities through extension activities. For this purpose a documentary research with a bibliographical design following hermeneutical processes was conducted. In conclusion, it was found that the extension activity include: active participation and learning; respect for the identity of individuals and their reality; a systemic view of reality and the effective participation of the University to promote the self-managed andsustainable changes.

Palavras-chave : social dimension; University College extension; synergetic process.

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