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vol.9 número18Difusión y comercio de la yuca (Manihot Esculenta) en Venezuela y en el mundoEl sector agrícola cubano en la década de 1990: un análisis de competitividad índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-0354


CRAVIOTTI, Clara. Calidad, coordinación entre agentes y organización del trabajo en las producciones no tradicionales. Agroalim [online]. 2004, vol.9, n.18, pp.23-33. ISSN 1316-0354.

This article presents advances of research centered on agents, which face non-traditional agriculture and animal production.  These are understood to be differentiated productions intended for specific market segments. Its emergence is analyzed in function of the changes that have taken place in the production and in consumption at the world level. But, it also considers peculiar characteristics of the Argentine situation. Among them, it considers the context in which the principle commodities developed in the 1990’s and changes produced in areas close to large cities related to agriculture and cattle production income from agents not within the sector. From in-depth interviews of producers and key informants, the degree of productive specialization that the agents that confront this type of activity show, the inclusion of quality control parameters, and the type of link that they establish with input suppliers and commercialization channels are analyzed. Aspects related to the organization of work exploitation process are considered as well.

Palabras clave : quality; agents; coordination; non-traditional production; Argentina; production restructuring.

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