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vol.16 número31A "produção invisível" na agricultura familiar: autoconsumo, segurança alimentar e políticas públicas de desenvolvimento ruralTwo dimensions of farmers decision making on record keeping índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-0354


TONDOLO, Vilmar Antonio Gonçalves; BITENCOURT, Cláudia Cristina  y  TONDOLO, Rosana da Rosa Portella. Dynamic capabilities development to implement international strategy: the case of a brazilian wine company. Agroalim [online]. 2010, vol.16, n.31, pp.81-86. ISSN 1316-0354.

There is a significant gap between the processes of formulating and implementing strategy in the field of the strategy studies. Recently, the formulation of the strategy has received more attention, both within academic and the practitioner areas. This suggests Strategy Literature should increase its focus on implementing strategy. In this sense, Dynamic Capability offers a valuable approach to address that issue. Accordingly, this paper aims to explore theoretical elements involved in the process of implementing the internationalization strategy through a Dynamic Capability approach in a Brazilian winery company. This research is characterized as a case study with exploratory-descriptive qualitative approach. We have identified aspects that illustrate the implementation of international strategy and development of capabilities.

Palabras clave : dynamic capabilities; strategy implementation; internationalization strategy; wine; Brazil.

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