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vol.16 número31Two dimensions of farmers decision making on record keepingEL sector de frutas y hortalizas español y la política agraria común: actualidad y perspectivas en el marco de la organización común de mercados índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-0354


SOUZA PASSADOR, Cláudia; PASSADOR, Luiz João  y  ROJAS HUAYTA, Violeta. Políticas contra la sequía y la técnica de cisternas en brasil . Agroalim [online]. 2010, vol.16, n.31, pp.101-113. ISSN 1316-0354.

The Cistern is an ancient way of storing rainwater in regions that have no source of permanent water, such as the Semi-arid Northeast of Brazil, enabling people to obtain clean and easy to treat. This study aimed to survey public policies have created to solve the problem of drought in the Northeast, since the creation of the Federal Inspectorate for Works Against Drought (IFOCS) still in the Empire, until the Program One Million Cisterns (P1MC) launched by President Lula in 2003, and emerged from the initiative of the Semi Arid Articulation (ASA), a NGO which currently involves about 700 entities. In addition, the study also analyzes the use of tanks in the living conditions of families in the Baixo Salitre, municipality of Juazeiro (BA), Brazil. So, there were 34 interviews with families in the region, and the results indicate that the use of tanks will positively influence the quality of life of these families.

Palabras clave : public policy; citizenship; partnerships; water; poverty; Brazil.

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