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Revista Venezolana de Estudios de la Mujer

versión impresa ISSN 1316-3701


MARTINEZ, Ángel. Determinantes de la participación laboral femenina en Venezuela: Aplicación de un modelo probit para el año 2005. Revista Venezolana de Estudios de la Mujer [online]. 2010, vol.15, n.35, pp.17-44. ISSN 1316-3701.

The participation of women in the workforce is the subject of many studies at the global level, the objective of which is to better understand gender equality in employment. In labour markets, supply and demand are principally the results of the interactions between both interconnected social and economic variables. This paper is a joint analysis of the determinants of female labour participation in Venezuela. It also analyzes the determinants of women’s employment in Venezuela for the year 2005, using a probit econometric model. Results mainly, show that the participation of women in this labour market is product of decisions in order to maximize household’s personal income and compatible with the theory of human capital decisions

Palabras clave : labour market; equality of gender.

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