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vol.15 número35Estudio comparativo de la eficacia del liderazgo de hombres y mujeres en equipos de trabajoEnjevececer en casa: el rol de la mujer como cuidadora de familiares mayores dependientes índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Venezolana de Estudios de la Mujer

versión impresa ISSN 1316-3701


CASTANEDA, Nora; ASCANIO, Consuelo; CAROSIO, Alba  y  ALVA, María Elena. El trabajo socio productivo: En el marco de la economía social y la igualdad y equidad de género. Revista Venezolana de Estudios de la Mujer [online]. 2010, vol.15, n.35, pp.59-71. ISSN 1316-3701.

Analytical starting point is the texts of Marx on the concepts of Work, Alienation, alienated labor and private property, which are undeniable basis of the contemporary approach Socio Productive Work. The central approach is the «degeneracy» of workers in goods, in a world where human labor is dominated by things. The sexual division of labor allocated to producing goods for men and reproduction of life and conditions for women, men were identified with the commercial production of goods and exchange rates, women have historically been dedicated to produce values of use that are not exchanged in the market. The notion of paid employment as the only descriptor of the work involves a narrow view of sociality that the unemployed are discarded and the multiplicity of productive and reproductive activities of human life, such as those made in households and domestic. The vision of the work proposes to pay the company as the main place for socializing, and commercial time as the determinant of human life

Palabras clave : work; labor; productivity; capitalism; socialism.

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