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Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología

Print version ISSN 1316-4821On-line version ISSN 2542-3401


FERNANDEZ, Herman; MARTINEZ I, Abelardo; GUZMAN A, Víctor  and  GIMENEZ, María Isabel. modeling and simulation of a lead-acid battery using controlled voltage and current sources and arithmetic blocks. uct [online]. 2005, vol.9, n.33, pp.35-41. ISSN 1316-4821.

The present work deals with the modeling and simulation of a lead-acid battery using controlled current and voltage sources and arithmetic blocks present in the libraries of the different computational tools dedicated to electric and electronic circuit analysis. The research aim was to develop a representative model of lead-acid battery operation, based on functional blocks that enable the understanding of the charge and discharge processes taking into account the load capacity of a simple array or a series configuration. Starting from the battery fundamental equations, a model able to evaluate the charge and discharge stages taking into account the initial stored load in the battery was developed. The results prove the model precise behavior both when simulating a single battery cell and when simulating a series connected battery bank. The proposed model is of great utility when it is required to simulate system using solar or wind energy, or a combination of both.

Keywords : Lead-acid batteries; Battery modeling; Battery simulation; Controlled sources; Function blocks.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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