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Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología

Print version ISSN 1316-4821On-line version ISSN 2542-3401


FERNANDEZ, Herman; MARTINEZ I, Abelardo; GUZMAN A, Víctor Manuel  and  GIMENEZ, María Isabel. An experimental and training platform for uninterrupted power in isolated locations: wind turbine - electric generator - battery bank. uct [online]. 2005, vol.9, n.35, pp.133-138. ISSN 1316-4821.

A new modular platform that can be used to combine different energy sources and power electronics conversion blocks in a training environment is presented. The proposed equipment, called Training Platform for Wind Turbine Uninterruptible Power Supply (TP-WT-UPS) models a wind driven uninterruptible power supply feeding a critical load in an isolated location. Two energy sources are emulated (a wind turbine and a combustion engine driven AC generator), the three basic power electronic blocks (DC/DC, DC/AC, AC/DC) and control electronics are provided in a modular architecture that can be modified to suit a particular configuration. Wherever possible, standard offthe- shelf car parts such as alternators and AVR are used. TP-WT-UPS can be used both in the training of engineers, giving them hands-on experience on these topics, and also as a design tool for expedite the development of new projects. The experimental results shows that the equipment can be applied as an hybrid system in isolated locations where energy from the wind and electric generators can be used.

Keywords : Cogenerating Renewable Systems; Ferroresonant Transformer; Special Uninterruptible Power Supply; Wind Turbine.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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