Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología
versão impressa ISSN 1316-4821versão On-line ISSN 2542-3401
YLLADA GARCIA, Ruth A e MANEIRO MALAVE, Ninoska. Facility layout with different area requirements applying evolutionary methods. uct [online]. 2006, vol.10, n.40, pp.191-197. ISSN 1316-4821.
This work presents an evolutionary algorithm for locating facilities in an aluminum container production factory, which requires different size areas for their appropriate performance. The location of facilities is a well-known combinatory optimization problem making difficult its treatment by conventional solution methods, especially for large scale problems, which turns impractical an evaluation of all the solutions. Previous works have shown that the evolutionary algorithms are an efficient and useful tool for solving problems where is requires to explore large scale solution spaces, providing good solutions in an acceptable computing time. The proposed algorithm produces, among other results, a set of facility layouts for choosing the one which improves material handling, reduces scrap, and consequently improves the all processing and productivity. Finally, it is shown the algorithm robustness to parameters changing and its excellent convergence to better solutions even in the last generations
Palavras-chave : Area Requirements; Evolutionary Algorithms; Facility Location; Layout.