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vol.12 número48Evaluación del nivel de riesgo a lesiones músculo esqueléticas en el sector automotriz venezolanoCálculo de la vecindad mediante grafos en minería de textos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología

versión impresa ISSN 1316-4821versión On-line ISSN 2542-3401


FERNANDEZ, Herman; MARTINEZ, Abelardo; GUZMAN, Víctor Manuel  y  GIMENEZ, María Isabel. Modelo genérico de celdas fotovoltaicasGENERIC PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL MODEL. uct [online]. 2008, vol.12, n.48, pp.157-162. ISSN 1316-4821.

This work presents the modeling and the simulation in Pspice of a circuit that has the electric behavior of a solar panel. The model allows for the selection of a circuit representing a single cell or multi cell arrays connected in serie and parallel. Model evaluation is done using a computational tool that can input parameters related to the number of cells connected in the different serie-parallel combinations, the single cell resistances, a dimension-less parameter for open circuit tuning and the short circuit current. The model automatically calculates the serie and parallel resistance when working with complex circuits in a solar panel array. Tuning the above mentioned parameters the voltage and current characteristic curves of commercially available solar cell arrays are obtained. Model application is restricted to photovoltaic cells under the same solar radiation since the shadow effect over different cells is not considered. The results obtained in the simulation prove the model's good performance, making it useful in the simulation of photovoltaic systems with solar cells, battery banks and energy conversion circuits.

Palabras clave : Photovoltaic Panels; Solar Cell Simulation; Photovoltaic Panels Interconnection; PSpice.

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