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Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología

versión impresa ISSN 1316-4821versión On-line ISSN 2542-3401


CRUZ, Mario et al. Eolic emulator for low power aerogenerators: the test bench. uct [online]. 2009, vol.13, n.53, pp.329-338. ISSN 1316-4821.

This work presents a Wind Turbine Emulator able to perform laboratory tests on the generation, regulation and control blocks in a wind energy-driven electric generator system with less than 10 kW output. In the Wind Turbine Emulator a 10 hp three-phase induction motor driven by a voltage source inverter controlled by a direct torque control algorithm replaces the wind turbine. The interface program allows the user to define the wind turbine transfer characteristics using the wind speed/mechanical torque in the output shaft relationship and the wind pattern applied to the turbine. The control program converts these data into the torque demand signals applied to the AC motor driver and measures the motor axis speed in order to close the emulation loop. The Emulator makes it possible to perform all the electromechanical tests from the generator characterization up to the control algorithms and protection settings final fine tuning to optimize system operation for operation at a particular location. The Emulator’s initial test results were successful, justifying continuing its development.

Palabras clave : Wind Generators; Emulation; Alternative Energy; Systems; Test Bench.

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