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Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología

Print version ISSN 1316-4821On-line version ISSN 2542-3401


RESTREPO, José; BUENO, Alexander; ESCALONA, Cruz  and  ALLER, José. Pulse width modulation of space vectors for cascade multilevel converters. uct [online]. 2011, vol.15, n.58, pp.19-28. ISSN 1316-4821.

In this work, a cascade type multilevel converter is analyzed and applied to open end loads. A general method for pulse width modulation using space vectors in natural coordinates for standard PWM circuitry and triangular carrier is proposed. This technique is experimentally verified on a passive RL load and for an induction machine. The experimental validation includes the main continuous and discontinuous modulation strategies available in literature. Also, the technique is tested for 37 and 49 converter states, obtained using different DC voltage sources in each inverter bridge. The results obtained show the advantages of the generalized modulation technique in the cascade multilevel converter.

Keywords : Multilevel Converter; Cascade Converter; Vector Modulation; PWM.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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