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Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología

versión impresa ISSN 1316-4821


OCHOA-GONZALEZ, Carlos; SANCHEZ-VILLACRES, Ana  y  BENITEZ-ASTUDILLO, Javier. Incidence of informal credit in the economic growth of micro-entrepreneurs. uct [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.80, pp.114-123. ISSN 1316-4821.

The objective of this work is to analyze how affects the loan informal in the owners of small businesses, because they are the ones who frequently resort to the appropriations informal because they do not have access to formal sources by the barriers that are presented to accomplish a tax credit of this type (paperwork, guarantees), these loans enable satisfying the basic needs of the borrower, but due to its informal lenders who profiteer from of the loaned capital, is very general in this type of credit charge interest rates not stipulated by the act and the debt does not have the due financial process that a formal institution performs, that is, they are not the pays for itself in the right way, and With the course of time this generates economic disadvantages for persons creditors of such capital. In this work, the same that has as purpose analyze the behavior of lenders and borrowers and indicate the various factors by which it is more accessible obtain financing on an informal basis you want to determine the incidence of informal credit in small business owners of the trunk, a survey was conducted in order to collect with success as much information as possible.

Palabras clave : loan informal; borrower; lenders; interest rates.

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