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vol.20 número81Estudio de la eficiencia eléctrica en los hornos de arco eléctrico sumergido de sidor en función de la pérdida de calor a través de su refractario de trabajo y la longitud de arcoLas organizaciones desde los discursos modernos, posmodernos e institucionalista índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología

versión impresa ISSN 1316-4821


PINTO MANGONES, Ángel D et al. Optimization of circular antenna array feed with source continuous distribution, using particle swarm optimization (PSO). uct [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.81, pp.202-212. ISSN 1316-4821.

The growing in the use of wireless communications systems, has led to an also increasing demands on the performance requirements thereof, for example, coverage, reducing interference, bandwidth, etc. Several of these requirements can be met by appropriate design of the antennas of those systems. In that particular, the antenna arrays play an important role, because through them it is possible to achieve a better adaptation to such demands. However, since traditional antenna array synthesis methods is not always possible to meet certain performance requirements, in this paper, the technique of particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used for optimization (reducing) of the side lobe level of the radiation pattern of a circular antenna array, which elements are fed with continuous current distribution. The results show the effectiveness of optimization with PSO, the level of larger lobe to 29 dB below the main lobe, while traditional methods the best level was 21.15 dB.

Palabras clave : Circular antenna array; Source continuous distribution; Side lobe level; Particle Swarm Optimization.

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