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vol.11 número39Qué es la educación índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-4910


ZAMBRANO, Armando. Phlippe meirieu and the professional education of teachers: A contribution from the pedagogical judgement formation.. Educere [online]. 2007, vol.11, n.39, pp.585-593. ISSN 1316-4910.

Two educational models teachers are very clearly exposed in the written work by the French pedagogic Philippe Meirieu. The first happens during the 80’s decade and the second one during the 90 ’s in the previous century. In this occasion, the model aims to understand the «professional formation» concept. It presents four dimensions, the pedagogical moment, pedagogical memory, collecting evidence and restoring unity. The model is mechanism aimed to reflect critically on the concept of pedagogy and, due to this, is a contribution to contemporaneity.

Palabras clave : model; pedagogical moment; pedagogical memory; evidence; restoring unity and professional education of teachers; pedagogy; learning.

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