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versión impresa ISSN 1316-4910


PELLEGRINI BLANCO, Nila C  y  REYES GIL, Rosa E. Environmental interpretation program at Simon Bolivar University: Its recourses, its culture and history. Educere [online]. 2007, vol.11, n.39, pp.605-611. ISSN 1316-4910.

The Environmental Interpretation Program at Simón Bolívar University aims to provide its visitors with active experiences that can link them, emotionally, sensorial and intellectually to the natural, social, cultural and historical environment at the university. The methodology used is made out from a diagnose phase: making an inventory of existing recourses and determining recourses and features with interpretative potential. The second phase contains the designing of educational-interpretational activities and the didactical recourses to be used. The results have been translated into the development of guided didactical itineraries, directed to basic education and high school students, and the general audience. For this activity, four descriptive manuals were elaborated on the description of several didactical paths, which were validated with the participation of students from Simón Bolívar School and Simón Bolívar University. From the results of this validation it can be concluded that guided didactical itineraries allow: getting people closer, from their personal experience, to a series of sensor-motor and cognitive processes; attract the interest of messages during the experience and increasing content understanding.

Palabras clave : environmental interpretation; environmental education; paths.

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